in the past week i have:
gone on a quickie trip to the grocery store to get by for 2 or 3 meals
taken down and put away all of the Christmas stuff (involved several trips up and down the world's steepest staircase and a ladder in the garage for the tree)
unpacked 6 suitcases!!! sorted and put away all the various STUFF we came home with
reorganized alexander's closet (that's where Christmas stuff goes)
reorganized hadley's closet (had to move some books from toy area, see below)
reorganized hallway "kid's craft and game cupboards" (literally took me ALL DAY yesterday beause it also involved organizing and moving some stuff from the main floor under-stairs area)
reorganized toy area
gone on a MAJOR shopping trip after planning the month's menu
reorganized pantry (to put away aforementioned groceries)
reorganized kid's bathroom cabinets
taken care of sick kids -- xander was home for 2 days with a fever, now hadley is sick. oh, and so is alan. trust me, just stay away from him when he takes high doses of cold medicine.
so, i can' imagine WHY i haven't gotten off my lazy bum and blogged! oh, pictures pending.
now that you all know i HAVEN'T been slacking, without further ado, i present

alexander and lexie enjoy the program. isn't lexie a cutie! shout out to her for picking us up from the airport. (don't worry, she didn't drive, but WAS on the welcoming committee)
alexander and his drunk-looking daddy. rachel, what was IN that punch? LOL.
one of hadley's uh..."creations". we find stuff all over the house like this all the time. pillows, soup cans, candles (unlit, of course), name it. she arranges them in these symmetrical vignettes. (ding-ding! 10-dollar word!)
a lot of you know that the day BEFORE our flight, i got a call from the school at 9:15 am saying that alexander threw up on the bus on the way to school. nice call to get. poor buddy is notorious for tossing his cookies! he is just PRONE to it. i called a pediatrician who is in our ward only to be told that i should expect it to last for 3-5 days! fun stuff going around.
he was a trooper! after a blessing and some sleep (but still sick as a puppy) he braved the trip sick. here is a shot of him at the philly airport. poor guy!
note the (weak) smile and the puke-bag clutched in his chubby little hand. he is showing off one of the sea-life finger puppets i surprised them with. (go ikea!) it was a LONG wait at the airport, because we arrived ridiculously early. 2 pm for a 5:30 pm flight. we got through security in 15 minutes flat and waited...and waited...little buddy threw up just once in the airport. (thank goodness for ziploc!) and twice on the plane (towards the end) after sleeping almost the entire way. whenever we asked how he was doing, he smiled and said "great!" even though he felt horrible. he didn't complain once! the closest he came was in the airport when alan snuck off to find some food -- he threw up and told me he wanted to go home. after that, he snuggled down in his moon blankie and slept almost until boarding.
here is miss hadley. i love this exemplifies her to a t! wild eyes, crazy hair (too busy playing) and holding up her finger like her brother did -- nevermind that it lacks a puppet! hers were playing in the windowsill the whole time! she was awesome on the plain, but wouldn't fall asleep until final approach, which left her REALLY cranky when we woke her up to de-plane. there were a few tense moments in the middle of the flight, but masking tape saved the day (thanks k! you rock!) yes, she literally played with masking tape for 45 minutes!
here is another airport shot. one thing that made me so happy this trip is that several people told me how much hadley looked like me, and no one has EVER told me that before. i think i can begin to see it in this photo.
when we arrived in utah i took many DEEP breaths of cold, DRY mountain air! i had been suffering with a cold here since october, and i think the drier air was key in finally getting rid of it! go utah! it was also SNOWING when we landed, so i was a happy camper. it was a nice ending to an incredibly long day.
stay tuned, more to come....
you WERE busy. But it looks like a fun busy.
OHHHHHHH!~!~ cute.! poor little xander!
oh man! i know people who act like their on heavy narcotics with cold medicine!! ahhhh! scary... O.O
wow, somebody went a little bit OCD clean freak on her house... i ain't gonna point no fingers... but.....
nah, jus' kiddin' i love ya.
hope you ALL feel better soon!
I never noticed it before, but if you and Alan were to have a kid, it would look just like Xander! Have you ever thought of that? Its pretty crazy!
LOL! okay, you get a few brownie points for LITERALLY making me laugh out loud with that comment. :)
your daisychain blog doesn't allow posts from non-bloggers so i'm making it here:
those uggs are awesome! i think my soon-to-be niece needs a set (nudge-nudge, wink-wink)
WOW!! Thanks for the update!! Sounds like a wonderful time.
I think we're ready for part II.
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