thanks also go out to grandma connie who sent a fun box of goodies: books, a soft blanket, and girlie-colored play-doh! the pink and purple colors were a big hit! it is also going to go well with one of the gifts alan and i got for her...stay tuned for that!
here are the kids enjoying green eggs and ham (okay, bacon) in honor of dr. seuss's birthday earlier this month. alexander told me: "mom, i don't like the look of it", but they both loved the taste!
my two little snugglebugs cuddling on the couch and watching a video. they are usually really territorial about the couch, so this cuddling under the same blanket is rare!
we have been crazy busy lately, for some reason...easter almost snuck up on me and i am sad that we will be having easter dinner on our own this year. :( kinda bummed about missing the egg hunt too...looks like the easter bunny will be making his premiere appearance in our household this year. i've been shopping for candy and some small toys. i think the easter bunny might bring some rain boots. yes, you actually need rain boots here! i LOVE the rain here in the summer! there, i found something i like about new jersey! and you all said it couldn't be done....
will update again soon...promise! i got a new haircut and haddles will have more birthday loot to show off. sorry siddys, she's miss hadley to me. haddles just doesn't do it for me. xoxox
Happy Birthday Hadley! She is so stinking cute!
P.S. - I love that table.
Happy Birthday Hadley, we couldn't get in a phone call until it was past your bedtime! We will try to call tomorrow and are very glad you love your bee-ooo-tee-ful princesses!
Tell Miss Hadley I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! did you show her pics when she came to NYC and we changed her diaper on top of the Empire State Building?! LOL!
hey are those plates from IKEA?? If so i am going to have to get me some... We have our nieces and nephews over all the time and none of our dishes are "kid proof"
Good thing we get 15% off!!!
OMH and i love miss hadley and her princess/ballet outfit so so cute!!!
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