Thursday, September 13, 2007

back to school

so we are FINALLY getting back into the swing of things and we FINALLY started school last thursday (september 6), so i can FINALLY do some updates. i get overwhelmed at the thought, so i'm striving for short and sweet updates, but more frequently. we'll see how that goes...

hadley is so excited to be starting preschool! since it's so expensive around here, we opted for a co-op with a few other women from the ward. we are each taking a 9-week stint as teacher, so hopefully i can get through that come late january!

here is hadley, so excited on her first day of school. she's got her backpack on and is ready to go! she also will proudly tell you how to spell her name. she loves to trace "dotted" letters that mom draws and is working on writing it all by herself.

and here's alexander, beginning FIRST GRADE! can you believe it? alan and i can't. we think he's growing up much too quickly! just look at how big this kid is! he was a little apprehensive about starting 1st grade, because he loved kindergarten so much and couldn't imagine that 1st grade could compare. he also confided that he was worried about "all the quizzes" in first grade (what? lol!) but after a few days, he told me "i LOVE first grade!", so i guess things are going well. he is required to read every night and is really doing great with that. he amazes us!

and for the close-ups:

we are looking forward to a visit from g'ma and g'pa peck in early october and are still begging for thanksgiving visitors! anyone at all! we'll take you! we also added some fish, snails, and crayfish to our family via an aquarium, but i will post more about that soon.

we love and miss all our family and friends "back in utah". xoxox


Lori said...

Cutest pics...1st day of school pics are for sure the best!! Hadley is officially a grown-up! She's as big as Xander. I can't believe I will be doing a girl's hair for school someday. Thanks for the post.

Petite Impact said...

man i can't believe how big they are getting! where are some pics of you and alan?

spyderette said...

i am always behind the camera and alan is always at work! HA!

mindi said...

sooo cute! poor buddy... i know what he means, though: all those quizzes are SO tough! glad it wasn't as challenging as he thought it would be!

Lindsey said...

Oh they look so CUTE! Soph wishes she could go to preschool but she is to small, she loves that picture of Hadley.

Rebekah said...

Hadley's dress is so adorable. It looks like a cute little uniform that school girls in France would wear.

Alexander is so handsome! In my mind I always call him Alexander the Great because he's got the classic features of a emperor/tyrant. Hee, hee, j/k, but not about the handsome or emperor part, just about the tyrant part.

spyderette said...

you know what's funny? i think the SAME thing about that dress! it's like out of Madeline or something. i love it. and we actually call him alexander the great. alan says if we have another boy someday, we should name him Ivan. i refuse because they would be the great and the terrible. poor kid wouldn't stand a chance.

Rebekah said...

That is so crazy! Definitely Madeline, and I think it would be hilarious if the next child - male or female - was named Ivan.