Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving FHE in a Flash

some of you know that i got the genius idea a few months back to have monthly FHE themes and plan lessons around those themes. i'm a little OCD and actually have a chart for the entire year with lessons planned. each monday, i consult the chart, print off any materials, and voila! instant FHE without pain or anguish. granted, most of these lessons are only about 15 minutes long, but with young kids, that's just long enough.

now that my little intro is out of the way, i'll get to the REAL reason for this post:

our FHE theme for november is "being thankful" (go figure, huh?) anyway, this is a fun activity to do with your family for thanksgiving no matter what your definition of family is and no matter your religion.

make up several slips of paper pre-printed with:
"I am thankful for:
To show my gratitude I will:"

sit down together and fill them out. fold them and place them in a basket on the dining room table. each night at dinner, each family member can choose a slip and perform the act of gratitude the following day. i think alan and i will each choose one and the kids can share one each day until we are out of slips. i made 9 slips.

one example to get you going:
i am thankful for food to eat.
to show my gratitude, i will help clean up after a meal.

to show my gratitude, i will take some food to a friend or neighbor/ buy lunch for a friend, etc.

they should have some logical connection. have fun, and remember to count your blessings.
each night, you can report your act of gratitude before taking a new slip.


CYD said...

Thanks! I can always use some FHE helps!And remember it's not OCD, it's CDO!!

Rebekah said...

I love the year long chart idea! That made my heart skip a beat a little with excitement! Charts!

Anonymous said...

Thank for this template! web development