Thursday, December 06, 2007

5 random things...

this is for pinkmilk...she tagged me! i haven't forgotten you, i've just been busy!
but first off, let me say that i've done this before:

but i will do it again, for boredom's sake, and to brighten your dreary idahoian existence.

1. i LOVE the cure. (like anyone who knows me didn't know that.) but what you might not know is that i heart them in a freakish, obsessive, and downright disturbing way. i own all 23 albums. yes, that's right, 23! plus a few rarities, hard-to-find stuff, limited releases, and at least 3 concert bootlegs. robert smith's birthday is april 21, 1959, and i have tickets to see them at madison square garden in june.

2. i once met gwen stephani backstage after a gig in provo, utah at the geneva steelworker's hall. she was still with no doubt, and they rocked!

3. i can sing the entire score of "joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat". that's right! jealous?

4. i don't like chocolate that much. there, i said it! in fact, given the choice of a chocolately dessert amongst an array of others, i will NOT choose the chocolate every time. (does that even make any sense?)

5. i once did yoga in times square in new york and plan to again. and this random fact is a total cop-out if you read my previous random facts. :)


Laura said...

Thank you kindly. My life is brightened now. I love you.

Lindsey said...

Oh my heck, I didn't know you met Gwen STEFANI, I am totally starstruck by you now... I love her, favorite, Blow Ya Mind w/ Eve.

spyderette said...

yeah, yeah, i spelled her name wrong, but i still met her! ha! your old sister is just a little cooler than you thought. tee-hee.

Sharla said...

Love the random facts! And hey, I blogged about you a little-- do you mind?

Laura said...

Oh and PS Candace, it was meant to be SIX facts!! CHEATER!!