Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
Don't have a heart attack or anything like that, but the guilt of not posting finally got to me. That, and the fact that I couldn't leave Halloween photos unposted, just on principal, you know...it being our favorite holiday and all. Although I have to admit that we let things slide a bit this year. Alan and I both had last-minute thrown together costumes, our house went (nearly) unadorned, and we *gasp* failed to carve jack o' lanterns, although we put in some serious hours on decorated pumpkins for the school festival. So, on with the photos and commentary.
October was a busy month for us...here is some of what took place:

Hadley hosted a tea party for Rubes and I. Side benefit: Ruby got lessons on how to officially be a girl and she's definitely learned a lot.

Ruby LOVES to stir. She will do this for 10-30 minutes at a stretch. Just stirring a little cup with a plastic spoon. :)

Ruby also learned how to ham it up for the camera.

Alan busted out some awesome storage shelves for the basement. He also ripped out the hedge in front of our front porch, so you can officially see our house from the street. Weird. (Anybody wanna buy this sweet bike or exersaucer?)

Ruby became obsessed with "bookies" but will rarely let you read her one. This snuggle situation is extremely rare.

This, my friends, is the extent of our festive decor this Halloween.

Here's what I managed to dig out and stick in the trunk for trunk or treat. I like the vase of skulls and am thinking of displaying it year-round on my dining room table...opinions?

Ruby was not a fan of wearing her costume, but did ham it up majorly every time I pointed the camera in her direction. We have about 6 shots just like this snapped throughout the night.

Here is the family, minus one in front of our new car! We left Ruby in the car...how rude! Yes, we joined the throngs of mini-van owners and couldn't be happier. We admit it's the best solution for families with young kids.

Hadley was a Candy-Corn Witch...this also happens to be her favorite candy of all time. Weird, right? And check out this posing! (MYQ -- if you happen by some off chance to read this, think "I just threw up on Mike!")

Alexander, still obsessing about all things of the briny deep. We found the helmet online and made the belt from black duct tape. Add some sweats, and voila!

My lil Halloweenies, ready for the costume parade.