Monday, June 16, 2008

why you haven't heard from me lately

well, we went and did it...we bought a house! that makes us dual homeowners. kinda freaky, huh? i haven't posted for so long because finding, buying, moving and making the house livable was kind of a nightmare, to tell the truth. my mom (bless her!) came out (over mother's day of all times) and worked her guts out for 10 days. we had to paint EVERYTHING and are still not finished, but it does feel a lot more like home now that things are unpacked (mostly) and organized (mostly) and now that we have hot water and a dishwasher (long story).

so, i hesitantly present pics of the new digs -- i should have taken "before" pics, but trust me, there just wasn't a second to spare! also trust me when i say that it looks WAAAAAAY better than it did. (you can ask my mom). keep in mind we are not 100% and there are still a lot of odds and ends to do and some major stuff as well. for example, there are no pics of the master bedroom or office/nursery because they still need paiting and unpacking. all in good time.

here is x's room...needs window treatments and some other work still...anyone have a headboard to spare? i love the grass skirting as a bedskirt.

h's room, which is HUGE and will become the girls' (plural) room in a few month's time.
notice her "panicky" over the bed...very princess-like.

my little desk near the entryway...i keep track of bills, etc here in the desktop file and i've converted the main drawer into a charging station for ipod, phones, palm, etc.

the family room. we have a HUGE bow window, which still needs drapes. we need a big rug too and a smaller entertainment unit! (flat panel TV would rock!).

this is the "nook"/mudroom space by the back door. to the right you can go out to the garage or into a powder bath which has been completely gutted and is awaiting renovation. :) try to ignore the pictures piled on the floor and the floor itself. (isn't 70's gold linoleum the bomb?) -- the plan is for alan to replace the floor while i'm in utah for 4 weeks. (think black and white checkerboard -- anyone got mad photoshop skills they want to use to give me a mock-up?) good luck, sweetie!

family message center, mail bin, and recycling bins by the blue table, little cozy chair (groovy crocheted pillow in progress) and bookcases for me. (anyone know where i can get a little round ottoman?) to the right is the laundry room as well, and to the left, a coat closet and the door to our screened-in porch.

part of the kitchen...backsplash and countertops are not as yellow as they appear in the photo, although we have dreams of a brushed aluminum backsplash and charcoal granite-looking countertops someday. i LOVE this little counterspace because it is lower than a normal kitchen counter -- just right for the kids to help make cookies. and my kitchenaid tucks right into the corner (behind the fridge) -- all my baking ingredients are housed in the cannisters and cabinets above, so it's really convenient to bake.
another view of the kitchen -- look at the new dishwasher, mom!

built-in bookcase in the dining room -- the cabinets house the kid's dishes and their coloring and activity books.

dining room. i keep clearing off the top of the pie-safe only to have it collect clutter as we unpack more stuff! someday...
built-in hutch in the dining room, and one of my favorite things about the house!

view from the dining room into the kitchen -- remember the black and white checkerboard? it will extend through that whole area in and behind the kitchen. note the cute bee decals from my friend mary lynn! so cute!
thanks for visiting! bye!


MenacingTourist said...

Big thanks to all the people who came and painted with us in the 5 days we had before needing to move in!

spyderette said...

5 days my foot! it was 3! :) and we are indebted to them forever.

ME said...

I agree, all the painting is a big improvement. However, the house is very photogenic! It looks great, no need to apologize!

Laura said...

Love it! One of the things Ken and I miss most about living back east is the old homes. They are beautiful and have so much character and your's is no exception. My fav pic is the built-in hutch in the dining room--so cute!

Lori said...

My favorite photo is the one of the 4 of you greeting your blog readers! I love the jadeite collection in your built in hutch. There is definitely something to be said about the character of older homes. I hope things are great...
I will see you soon!

Lindsey said...

Wow sis, I gave up reading your blog entirely! Your house looks so cute, I love it! I don't like hearing about your far-in-the-future plans for the house however... Can't wait to see you!

sara said...

umm -- so cute! i only painted the kitchen and was ready to die. i can only imangine the whirlwind that was you and nancy. fun to see, thanks for taking the time and glad to know you are still alive.

mindi said...

wow! i LOVE it sis! i want your pie safe! welcome back to blogger. do you have cost-plus world market there? good source for round ottomans.
love you.

spyderette said...

cost plus world market? i just looked them up...we are one of only 16 states that DOESN'T have one, but they do online orders...i may be lost for awhile on their site. thanks sis!

CYD said...

What a transformation! You took that house from scary to cozy!
And Christmas Tree Shoppe for the ottoman. I know I keep saying it, but it's the best place. Maybe we can go when you get back? Christanne wants to go too. Or look at Marshalls/TJ Maxx/Ross. We got our cube from there for $50.

LizzyP said...

Looks so great! Maybe we can get a personal tour when you return from the Promised Land--have so much fun with your family!

Sherwoods said...

Wow, congrats on the house! Where is it at? We totally understand the moving, unpacking, and no dishwasher situation! Thankfully, ours are all about done too! Good luck with the rest of the renovations!

Stitchingpink said...

Lovely work. And the pie safe really does look great in your house! I'm so happy that you are enjoying it. I think that we could make a very snazzy Amy Butler ottoman for your space!

Lady D said...

Candace ...this is diana from the byu days...I just google your name and I found your blog...let's keep in

Amy said...

Hey cousin...I love the new house. Your kids rooms are super cute. I'm thinking you are super close to having your baby, so good luck with that. Check out my blog, I have you linked hope that is okay. Amy

Laura said...

How the heck are you doing?

A Crone's Life said...

Candace, It's adorable! You are soooo lucky to have a mom/interior designer at your disposal. Good luck with the new baby!