Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ruby o' rama

ruby has been growing (mostly wider) and learning important life skills like smiling.

she has a sweet hammock tub. i wish i had a sweet hammock tub. so does my dad. i don't think they come in king size.

this pic looks weird sideways, which is how it was taken, but even weirder upright.

i LOVE this photo...the stripey blankey...the lone didi (pacifier)...the calm sleeping baby with the wavey little hand...

another conundrum as to which way the photo should go.

grandpa and ruby both looking sleepy. grandpa worked a lot while he was here. ruby pooped and ate a lot. all of those things are exhausting.

another cutie with her grampie shot.
polka-dotty princess. shout out to jenn for the cute jammies! thanks jenn! (she looks extra cute and funny in this outfit with her round blue didi in her mouth. it adds another little turquoise circle to the mix)

gotta love the big baby stretch.
ruby's first attempt at a bottle (just in case we are lucky enough to ever go on a date, which i doubt) -- she doesn't care about the receptacle...as long as it's filled with the good stuff! (another shout out to jenn -- thanks jenn!) oh, just an fyi, she downed the whole bottle in about 5 minutes flat.

great shot of fat rolls. count them if you can.

happy bathtime baby.

and again.

smooches to all of you!


Anonymous said...

she is adorible Spyderette..... Congrats again :)

Lindsey said...

She is so adorable with her chubby little cheeks, I am glad you finally posted some pics!

Lori said...

I LURVE all of her squishiness! Thank you for showing her off in these fun pics. I am in love with her blessing sweater...surely made by mommy. xoxo

mindi said...

i seriously can't believe how BIG she is already! oh, i need to snuggle her before she turns into a toddler!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie Candance! I can't believe those fat rolls! What have you been feeding her?!? She looks so much like all of you. The Halloween decor is cute too!